Right Now, Everything's Changing
Except For The Fact That You Still Hurt
Active Care Telehealth brings you a high-quality evaluation of your painful condition while screening for red flags that may need to be evaluated in-person. From there, we teach you to care for your back in a way no generic exercise handout or online video can ever provide.
The promise of telehealth goes far beyond the current crisis we find ourselves in; the promise of telehealth lies in you taking control of your health.
Understand How To Overcome Pain
Many treatments reduce pain today, few keep it at bay forever.
In the end, the most important "treatment" is the one you learn to do for yourself. Join us today for your telehealth conference.
You'll learn how to AVOID PAIN TRIGGERS, begin a RETURN TO ACTIVTY, and perform self-care to OVERCOME your pain, now and in the future.
Active Care Telehealth is your window of opportunity; UNDERSTANDING keeps the window wide open!